Parboil To partially cook in boiling water or broth. Pastry cutters A baking implement available in round, oval, and barquette shapes, as well as animals and numbers. The edge may be smooth or fluted. Pastry scraper A flexible plastic scraper used to cut dough, scrape the sides of bowls, and scoop up dough from the work surface. Peel To remove the outer covering of fruits and vegetables by trimming with a knife or vegetable peeler. Pit To remove the pits from fruit. Poach To cook in liquid, usually water, just below simmering so the liquid shivers in one or 2 places rather than bubbling. Pound To flatten or tenderize meat, often between sheets of wax paper, with a cutlet bat, heavy mallet or saucepan. Preheat To heat oven to desired temperature before cooking food. Pressure cooker A hermetically sealed stovetop pot in which steam pressure builds up so that foods cook quicker at temperatures above boiling point. A safety valve releases excess steam. Prick To pierce food or pastry with the tines of a fork to prevent it from bursting or rising during baking. Proof To test yeast to see if it is active. The yeast is dissolved in warm liquid mixed with a little sugar and left to stand 5-10 minutes in a warm place. If the yeast is active, it will bubble and foam. Punch down To deflate a risen yeast dough by pushing it down with the fist. Puree To press food through a fine sieve or food mill, or to blend in a blender or food processor to obtain a smooth, thick mixture.